Step 4 – Customize Your Website

In this section about Customizing your Website, we have videos to show you how to use your new WordPress website.

We encourage you to explore and make changes yourself, but we’ll guide you through the basics.

The first page you should come across when you log in is the Dashboard. We’ll go over the Dashboard and some of the things you’ll see:

[wpmudev-video video=”dashboard”]

[wpmudev-video video=”admin-bar”]

[wpmudev-video video=”change-password”]

If you don’t want to watch all the following videos (there are a lot), you can just start playing with your website’s back-end interface yourself.

After getting acquainted with the dashboard, the next thing you should be familiar with is the theme of your website and customizing the look of your website. You’re running a “Single Site Installation”:

[wpmudev-video video=”install-themes”]

Note: If you do not want the front page to look like a blog or news website, make sure in the ‘customizer’ to set the static page to an existing page. This will make that existing page the first page people see when they go to your website.

[wpmudev-video group=”appearance” show_title=”0″]

Before we move on, we must understand the difference between pages and posts. Posts are for the blog section of your website, while pages are essentially the web-pages:

[wpmudev-video video=”pages-v-posts”]

[wpmudev-video group=”editor” show_title=”0″]

And now more in depth about pages and posts:

[wpmudev-video video=”add-new-page”]

[wpmudev-video video=”add-new-post”]

We use a component that makes it easier to build beautiful pages. And it makes your sites super fast to build. There is a whole page dedicated to it in our Step 4.5 page.

[wpmudev-video video=”categories”]

[wpmudev-video video=”comments”]

[wpmudev-video video=”tags”]

[wpmudev-video video=”featured-image”]

[wpmudev-video video=”trash-post”]

[wpmudev-video video=”restore-page”]

[wpmudev-video video=”restore-post”]

[wpmudev-video video=”revisions”]

There are plenty of ways to handle your websites media like your images and videos:

[wpmudev-video group=”media” show_title=”0″]

Finally, we’ll go over the various settings that your website has:

[wpmudev-video group=”other” show_title=”0″]


Whoa, that’s a lot of videos. WordPress is indeed powerful and so we need to get you caught up on using this system.

If your interested in the plugin we use to make web page building superfast and easier to handle, visit our Step 4.5 page.

In the next step, we’ll talk about what makes an effective website in regards to placement of page elements, colors, spacing, and launching your website.

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