Build a Sustainable Website from the Ground Up.

Make Your Business as Sustainable as You Can.

Using a Sustainable web-host can make a significant difference in reducing smog, CO2, and acid-rain.

Up to 6.5 million people die from air pollution every year.

(Yeah, isn't that crazy?)

Find out how a website can impact on our world (click each section below):

Click a button below to start.

What is is a free resource about all kinds of practical sustainable business practices, starting with an emphasis on reducing your business website's impact to the environment. is great for, but not limited to:

Eco-conscious People

The DIY person

Small Businesses

Bloggers, and more...

"... air pollution is now the world’s largest single environmental health risk."

Sustainable Practices Blog

Various Settings, Tools, and User Management

March 11, 2017

Work with the various options and settings for WordPress. We’ll also go over user management.

Managing Comments

March 9, 2017

We have videos about managing your comments within WordPress.

Working With Your Media Library

March 7, 2017

Videos about working with WordPress’s media library.

Organizing The Content of your Website

March 5, 2017

Videos about organizing the content of your WordPress website.

Working With Your Images

March 5, 2017

How to work with your images in WordPress. This includes editing them with WP’s built in image editing tools.

WordPress Visual Editor (aka TinyMCE)

March 2, 2017

Videos about WordPress’s WYSIWYG editor (“what you see is what you get”).

Smart Cars Go All Electric

February 28, 2017

So it appears that Daimler, owner of such brand names as Mercedes and Smart, decided to make all their US Smart Cars electric-only starting in 2018! This is good news for business owners looking to have electric company cars! Here are some key points for getting these kinds of tiny cars for your business: Smart…

Step 5 – Launch Your Website

February 24, 2017

Now that your website is ready, launch your website! Tell people about your website, starting with your family and friends. However, how your website does with strangers is a true gauge of how your website is doing overall. Here are some ideas to promote your new website: Setup, at a minimum, a FaceBook profile for…

WordPress Dashboard

February 23, 2017

View some educational videos about using the WordPress Dashboard

Step 4.5 – Design Tips for Beaver Builder

February 23, 2017

Before launch, we have some effective design tips that we’ve used across over the years. We use a plugin called Beaver Builder to build nearly all of our websites. It makes websites easier to design and faster to bring a website to fruition.  You can visit them here. Here are some tips for Beaver Builder: Keep…