Smart Cars Go All Electric

So it appears that Daimler, owner of such brand names as Mercedes and Smart, decided to make all their US Smart Cars electric-only starting in 2018!

This is good news for business owners looking to have electric company cars! Here are some key points for getting these kinds of tiny cars for your business:

  • Smart is a reputable brand of car
  • An electric model of the full fledged car that can go for just only $12,490 with 76 miles of city range.
  • You’re likely eligible for some electric vehicle incentives like up to $7500 off your taxes (US Federal taxes) and additionally more from your state or city(For example, Colorado credits up to $6000 for any large electric vehicle like a car)
  • Electricity is generally many times cheaper than gasoline per mile. Currently, electric cars may be initially more expensive but after several years of ownership, you’ll see significant savings from not having to use gasoline.
  • You may use a car to help market your business as a more environmentally-conscious thinking business. Additionally, Smart cars can look somewhat unique, particularly in the US, so you’ll get people looking at your car- perfect for putting your advertising on it.
  • Why go to a fueling station? Generate your own “fuel” from your house or your business. This idea begins to get even more meaning if you generate your own electricity though more sustainable means like solar panels or wind turbines, etc.


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